School Re-opening - Monday 8th March 2021.
We are delighted that all pupils are able to return to school from Monday 8th March and are very much looking forward to welcoming everyone back to school.
We know that this news will be greatly welcomed by all parents and pupils and we would like to thank you for all your support since January whilst our pupils have been accessing live remote teaching at home.
It will remain as important as ever, that we all remian vigilant to the symptoms of CV19 even though the risk to young children is small. There are things we should all continue to do to help reduce the risk of becoming ill with the virus:
- Wash our hands with soap and water often - remembering the 20 second rule.
- Usehand sanitiser gel if soap is not available
- Wash hands as soon as you get home.
- Cover mouths and noses with a tissue or a sleeve (not hands) when coughing or sneezing - remembering the rule 'Catch it, Bin it, Kill it!'
- Put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash hands thereafter.
Head Teacher's Letter to all parents re. School Reopening on 8th March.
Head Teacher's Letter to all parents re. Details of School Reopening on 8th March.