School & Local Offer


About the Local Offer

The Local Offer is a guide to services for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities, from birth to 25 years old.

The London Borough of Waltham Forest develops the Local Offer with you (parents, carers, children, young people with SEN and disabilities and partners) to meet the needs of the community. it brings all the information on SEN and disability services into one place so it can be found quickly and easily.

Longshaw Primary Academy supports the Local Offer and as a school in the community of north Chingford, it is part of the Local Offer too.

There is a lot of help, support and advice that is free to access by young people and their families. it is not just for people who find themselves in need, but is for everyone - to help promote the best development and outcomes for all children/young people.

View the Local Offer for Waltham Forest.  View the webpage of the Family Hub.

Join the Waltham Forest Parent Forum.


School & Local offer supplementary information - more support and activities for families. can be found here.




Parent/Carer Support Programmes

September - December 2024

A full guide to the parent/carer support programmes

available from pregnancy to adulthood in Waltham Forest.

Family Hub:  Best Start In Life timetable


Eating Well:  the first year

A guide to introducing solids and eating well

up to baby's first birthday.

Waltham Forest Parent Forum Activities Guide


Loyds Park Children's Charity

Local Charity that was founded by a local parent in Walthamstow to build brighter futures for local children and their families.

Community services:

Waltham Forest Parent Forum

Waltham Forest Parent Forum is the parent carer forum in the London Borough of Waltham Forest. We work with (not for) the local authority, health and social services to improve services for children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and their families.​

We are an independent, voluntary organisation, funded by the Department for Education.​

Winter Wellness Guide

As the days get colder, it is important to think about ways you can keep well over the winter months.

In this booklet, you will fnd information and advice on how to look after yourself and others this winter, and details of some of the services that are there to support you.





The London Borough of Waltham Forest offer FREE courses to help learn English.  They are called 'ESOL' courses/classes - English for Speakers of Other Languages.

Find and register for one.

Also, school staff can help you to understand school communication/literature that is sent out, in other languages:

  • Arabic
  • Urdu
  • Turkish
  • Punjabi
  • Hindi
  • French
  • German






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