Safeguarding is paramount at Longshaw. The school will, in most circumstances, endeavour to discuss all concerns with parents about their children. However, there may be exceptional circumstances when the school will discuss concerns with Social Care and/or the Police without parental knowledge (in accordance with our ULT Safeguarding and Child Protection policy).
All of our staff have been trained on dealing with the signs of abuse and they understand the important role they have to play in protecting our pupils from harm. This includes training on the government’s Prevent Strategy as well as recent guidelines on FGM. We follow a clear set of procedures when concerns arise and matters are dealt with sensitively. At all times we will always aim to maintain a positive relationship with all parents.
The Longshaw Primary Academy Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy is available here and also in the Policies section of this website, along with our e-Safety Policy.
Should you have any concerns, the Designated Safeguarding Leads at Longshaw are:
Mrs Jane Woods (Headteacher), Mr Alex Bedwell (Assistant Headteacher) and Mrs Yasmin Omurtak (EYFS Leader).
If you ever have an urgent safeguarding concern that you need to report:
0208 496 3000 (Local Authority Children's Social Services) – call any time if you're a child or young person being abused.
0208 496 8279 (Local Authority Children's Social Services) - out of hours emergency team.
Call 999 if you're in immediate danger or if a crime is being committed.
There is also a wealth of information online about the various forms of abuse and how to keep children safe. If you would like more information or help with any kind of abuse, please click on the links below.