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Staff - September 2024

Executive Principal Mrs J. Woods

Interim Head of School

(Inclusion:  SENDCo & Designated Safeguarding Lead)


Interim Assistant Principal


Teaching & Learning Lead

Mr A. Bedwell



Mrs Y. Omurtak


Miss W. Otchere



Mrs Y. Omurtak (EYFS Lead)


Year 1

Mrs J. Gibbs (KS1 Lead)


Year 2

Mrs F. Webster


Year 3

Miss E. Armitage


Year 4

Ms S. Gray

Mrs S Akhtar


Year 5/6

Miss W. Otchere

Miss E. Armitage

Mr A. Bedwell

Miss A. Stanley



Mrs S. Akhtar

Miss M Raybe

Mrs P Lloyd (cover supervisor)


Miss M. Raybe

Mrs H. Beales

Teaching Assistants (SEND support)

Mrs S Noble

Mrs S Kamran

Mrs S Hamamci

Mrs T Rustem (Wed - Fri)

Mrs P Lloyd

Mrs N Patel

Miss V Hampson

Mrs K Thompson

Administrative Staff

Mrs G Sal Cigdem


Midday Supervisor

Mrs E Heracleous

Mrs R Begum

Mrs P Williams

Mrs N Mansor


Mr B Boughanmi (cluster premises Manager)

Mr A Mehmeti (Caretaker)

Cluster Business Manager

Mrs A Bibi
Cluster Executive School Business Manager Mr B Velia


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