My child has difficulties with social and emotional health
This section includes all those young people who experience short but significant periods of high anxiety, stress, distress or anger that affect their education.
It also includes young people who have a range of longer-term recognised mental health conditions (including ADHD).
For both groups, issues can include:
- Forming and maintaining relationships
- Attitudes to attainment
- Attendance
- Self-esteem
- Life outside school
What can Longshaw offer?
These lists are not exhaustive.
For all students at Longshaw
- Quality first teaching with appropriate differentiation
- A clear and consistent whole school behaviour policy and reward system
- PSHCE curriculum incorporating the 1Decision scheme and Botvins LifeSKills.
- Class circle time
- Anti-bullying policy
- Key stage transition procedures
- Lunchtime homework club
- Lunchtime ‘discussion’ opportunities
- Support for targeted groups of children at Longshaw
- KS2 friendship groups
- Social skills groups
- Small Zones of Regulation groups
Targeted individual support at Longshaw
- Breakfast and after school clubs
- Lunchtime ‘nurture group’
- 1 to 1 support in class
- Outside agency input ( CAMHs, CFCS, Early Help, Adolescent Support Team, Chance UK)
- Pastoral support plans
- Mentoring by school staff
- 1:1 Zones of Regulation intervention