My child has sensory and/or physical needs
This covers children who have difficulties with:
- Vision
- Hearing
- Gross motor co-ordination
- Fine motor co-ordination
- It includes conditions such as dyspraxia, cerebral palsy and physical injury
Please see Speech Language and communication section for sensory issues related to ASD/ Asperger’s
What can Longshaw offer?
For all students at Longshaw
- Quality first teaching with appropriate differentiation through planning, organisation, delivery, task, outcome, support and resources
- Visual aids to support key vocabulary, concepts and themes
- Focused and modelled group work with teacher/TA/LSA eg. guided reading and writing
- Additional in class support from a TA
- Individual learning targets
- Lunchtime homework club
- Flexible teaching arrangements
- Medical support including school nurse
- Equipment eg sloping boards, pencil grips
- Modified worksheets
Support for targeted groups of children at Longshaw
- Additional motor skills groups
- Additional handwriting groups
Targeted individual support at Longshaw
- Touch typing
- Outreach support work from Joseph Clark (visual impairment advisory teachers)
- Outreach support work from Whitefield ( hearing impairment advisory teachers)
- Support from occupational therapy and 1 : 1 programmes
- Support from physiotherapist
- 1 to 1 support in class and at break times
- Access arrangements for KS2 SATs